Yoga + Meditation #wellnesswednesday
As much as I hold space for others, it’s vital for me to remember to hold and take up space for myself.
Within life’s unpredictability, it is important for me to be grounded and in alignment with body, mind and spirit. Yoga, just like the breath, is something I can always return home to. Yoga is both energy and rest.
”Yoga is the journey of the self, through the self, to the self.”- The Bhagavad Gita
I love the victory in challenging my body + mind, the pride in knowing that I am strong enough to move through discomfort. When I let go of my resistance to discomfort or negativity, I can be in this present moment listening to what is, surrendering to the now. Let your thoughts flow. Once we release our attachment to our thoughts and what no longer serves us, we move into a state of acceptance, an overflowing of (self)love + gratitude (instead of fear).
I hope that this week you take what you need for yourself and that these reflections/affirmations can inspire you to be present with the best and brightest parts of you. “You are the sky, everything else is just the weather.” -Pema Chodron
The light in me honors the light in you. What affirmation speaks to you or what’s your go-to physical practice?- Tayler
P.S. I love going to the @detroityogalab to recenter!